PRAC  ~ Park Rangers Association of California

Fire equipment, Matt Cerkel

California Ranger Directory by Agency


If you are unsure of an agency’s location, you can also locate it by checking each region’s cover page or by viewing a list in the index of the directory.

How to Use It:

The California Ranger Agency Directory has been organized by geographic membership region. Take a moment to view the map on Page 3 to determine the approximate area you are interested in viewing. Then use the table of contents to locate the page number where that region begins within the directory.


This directory is assembled on volunteer time on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Park Ranger Association of California and other willing parties who wish to see this document completed.

Need help or have suggestions:

If you wish to edit any entry or have comments and questions, please contact me at Ranger Directory or Matt Cerkel. We intend to update the Directory annually every February.

Mike Warner

PRAC Directory Editor