The start of 2025 marks the beginning of my last year serving as President of the Park Rangers Association of California, a position I’ve held since January 2016. I feel like I’ve accomplished the goals I’ve set. The two biggest goals were to update the Ranger Certification program ( and the Ranger Directory. Both these are living documents that can be updated as needed. Currently, Directors Mike Warner and Kyle Roberson are working on the next addition of the directory. Here’s a link to the directory: Please review it and let Mike or Kyle know if your agency needs to be added or edited.
I plan to submit my application to earn my PRAC Professional Ranger certification in 2025. I have an 8-hour class to complete, and then I should be good to go. I’m also looking forward to our conference in Reno. One session that will be added is a roundtable discussion on how rangers can better respond to managerial and political decision-makers who want to undermine, weaken, or eliminate park ranger programs, such as what happened to Sonoma County Regional Parks and Fulton-El Camino Recreation and Park District in 2024. These issues are a reoccurring problem for park rangers in California, and we, as park rangers, are often caught off guard when they occur. Our profession should be better prepared when decision-makers propose plans that undermine public and ranger safety, as well as the protection of the parks.